How to write good test cases
As distant as possible, write test cases in such a style that you test only one thing at a time.
Do not overlap or impede test cases. Attempt to make your test cases ‘atomic’.
Do not overlap or impede test cases. Attempt to make your test cases ‘atomic’.
• Ensure
that all conclusive scenarios AND adverse scenarios are covered.
• Language:
Ø Write
in simple and easy-to-understand language.
Ø Use
active voice instead of passive voice: Do this, do that.
Ø Use identical and consistent names (of forms, fields, etc).
of a good test case:
Ø Accurate: Exacts the purpose.
Ø Economical: No unnecessary steps or words.
Ø Traceable: Capable of being traced to requirements.
Ø Repeatable: Can be used to enforce the test over and over.
Ø Reusable: Can be reused if necessary.
Ø Identifiable: Easily
identifiable with its name;
Ø Bug Finder: Allows isolation and identification of